Miami Vice

In a blender, add 1 ounce of the rum, strawberries, lime juice, simple syrup and 1 cup crushed ice and blend until smooth.

Pour into a hurricane glass and set in the freezer.

Wash and dry the blender thoroughly.

In the clean blender jar, add the remaining 1 ounce of rum, cream of coconut, pineapple juice and 1 cup crushed ice and blend until smooth.

Pour into the hurricane glass that already contains the Strawberry Daiquiri, creating a layered effect.

Garnish with a pineapple slice.

When it comes to flavor pairings in both the culinary and drinks world, there’s an old saying, “What grows together goes together.” This is particularly true in the world of tropical fruits, where it’s easy to mix and match produce while always finding a winning combination. Strawberry, pineapple, coconut, lime, and sugar cane-based spirits are all naturally complementary, and you can get away with a lot of tweaking by changing ratios or substituting other similar fruits to taste.

If you’ve got a blender, a bit of extra time, and don’t mind putting in the work to make one of the most purely refreshing smoothie-like cocktails ever created, here’s how to create the Miami Vice yourself.


2 ounces rum

1 cup strawberries

1 ounce lime juice

1/2 ounce simple syrup

2 ounces cream of coconut

2 ounces pineapple juice

1 pineapple slice


Hurricane Glasses

Cocktail Attributes

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